Alibaba Group - definição. O que é Alibaba Group. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é Alibaba Group - definição

Alibaba Group         
Η Alibaba Group Holding Limited, επίσης γνωστή ως Alibaba Group και ως, είναι κινεζική πολυεθνική εταιρεία τεχνολογίας που ειδικεύεται στο ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο, το εμπόριο, το διαδίκτυο και την τεχνολογία.
Ahold Delhaize Group         
Η Ahold Delhaize Group είναι πολυεθνική εταιρεία λιανικού εμπορίου τροφίμων με έδρα το Ζάανταμ της Ολλανδίας..
Group B         
thumb|upright=1.3|Ένα [[Audi Quattro#Sport Quattro S1 E2|Audi Quattro S1, ένα από τα πιο επιτυχημένα αυτοκίνητα Group B]]
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Alibaba Group
1. As part of that deal, Ma‘s Alibaba Group now owns Yahoo!
2. But Yahoo has said it only owns a 40 percent stake in Alibaba and has no control over the Chinese company, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group.
3. Jack Ma, Chairman & CEO, Alibaba Group, is a small, unassuming man, who has achieved big things and has even larger ambitions.
4. "I want to turn the company into a leading e–commerce platform for China, Asia and even the world," Jack Ma, founder of parent company Alibaba Group, said at a forum in Taipei.
5. Jack Ma, Chairman & CEO, Alibaba Group "In five years among the top five Internet companies in the world one of them will be from China and I hope that we will be that one," he says.